Hans Andersen was a quiet child. He would sit for hours in the back yard, inventing stories for his toy theatre. He wanted to be an actor and a singer, but everyone said he would never do well on the stage. Instead he became a storyteller. His marvellous fairy tales, full of jokes and magic, have entranced children since they were first written.
'Seri Pengetahuan: Bencana Alam' membawa kita berhadapan langsung dengan kekuatan alam yang paling merusak dan mengerikan, mulai dari gempa bumi hingga penyakit mematikan. Temukan bagaimana permukaan planet kita yang tak pernah tidur ini mampu memicu gelombang tsunami dan menyebabkan letusan gunung berapi yang dahsyat. Temukan mengapa banjir bisa menjadi pembunuh alami terbesar serta apa saja y…
Hans Andersen was a quiet child. He would sit for hours in the backyard, inventing stories for his toy theatre. He wanted to be an actor and a singer, but everyone said he would never do well on the stage. Instead he became a storyteller. His marvellous fairy tales, full of jokes and magic, have entranced children ever since.