Affandi dilahirkan di Cirebon, Jawa Barat tahun 1907. Tak diketahui tanggal dan bulannya yang pasti. Ayahnya, Pak Sudarga Kusuma, seorang Mantri Ukur di Pabrik Gula Ciledug. Affandi anak ketiga dari tujuh bersaudara: lima laki-laki dan dua perempuan.rnrnSiapakah tak kenal Affandi? Dialah maestro pelukis Indonesia. Sebagai pelukis berkelas internasional dan meraih banyak penghargaan dari pelbaga…
S. Sudjojono dilahirkan di Kisaran, Tebing Tinggi, Sumatera Utara. Hal itu tidak diragukan. Tetapi kapan? Tentang hal ini tidak ada kepastian. Jangankan tanggal dan bulannya, tahunnya juga tidak. Tetapi mestinya sekitar tahun 1913. Meskipun begitu, generasi muda kita patut tahu siapa S. Sudjojono itu. Dia adalah salah seorang pelukis ternama Indonesia. Perannya di bidang seni lukis pantas kita …
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…
Author/illustrator Mike Venezia has been getting to know the world's greatest artists for as long as he can remember. A graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Mike believes the best way to introduce children to art and artists is through fun. If children can learn about art in a fun way, and think of artists as real people, the exciting world of art will be open to them for the…