Orang yang Bernama Paulus:rnÔùÅ Paulus adalah orang Yahudi, lahir di Tarsus.rnÔùÅ Tarsus berada di wilayah yang sekarang disebut Turki. Dua ribu tahun yang lalu, pada zaman Paulus, Tarsus adalah sebuah kota yang menjadi bagian dari kekuasaan Romawi yang sangat kuat yang dikenal sebagai Asia Kecil.rnÔùÅ Paulus tidak hanya hidup di wilayah kekuasaan Roma, ia juga merupakan warga negara" …
Saint Paul is remembered as one of the great missionaries of the early church, boldly travelling through the Roman empire to take the news of Jesus to Jews and non-Jews alike. He is also known for his letters to young churches: several of them are included in the Bible and are treasured for the wisdom they provide on matters of faith and of Christian living.rnSet in the first century, this book…
Why do bad things sometimes happen to people who obey God? The Great Shake-Up" will help children understand God's purpose in allowing problems. At the same time, they will hear the Gospel message and see how one family responded joyfully. This story will present you with an opportunity to discuss with children the importance of accepting Jesus as Savior, the power a believer has to live a new …
Buku-buku yang disatukan dalam jilid ini adalah:rn1. Rasul Petrus 1rn2. Rasul Petrus 2rn3. Rasul Paulus 1rn4. Rasul Paulus 2rn5. Rasul Paulus 3rn6. Rasul Paulus 4
Acts 9:1-22, 21:1-22:21 for children
Acts 9:1-25, 31 for children
Acts 16:22-40 for children
Acts 27:1-44 for children
Acts 16:1-5, 2 Timothy 1:1-7, 2 Timothy 4:14-17, and 1 Timothy 1:3 for children