Noah's Ark has long been a favourite of young children. In addition to learning about Noah's faith and God's faithfulness your child will have fun learning animal sounds and rainbow colours. After each question on pages 10-19, stop and allow your child to tell you what each animal says. Page 29 can be used two ways to teach colours. You may point and ask your child to say the colour, or you may…
Ini adalah kumpulan 16 kisah Alkitab pilihan dalam dua bahasa (Inggris-Indonesia). Dengan kalimat sederhana dan gambar warna-warni yang menarik, anak-anak diajarkan tentang Allah yang menciptakan dunia dan sangat mengasihi manusia.
Genesis 6:9-9:17 for children
Genesis 6:1-9:17 for children
God saves Noah, because Noah has faith. No matter how big or scary your problems are, God protects those who love him.