Dietrich Bonhoeffer merupakan salah seorang martir Kristen yang paling dikenal selama masa pemerintahan Hitler. Sebagai seorang teolog, pendeta, penulis, dan pemimpin oikumene yang cemerlag, Bonhoeffer bergabung dengan Pertahanan Jerman untuk menggulingkan Hitler. Setelah dua tahun dipenjara, Benhoeffer akhirnya dihukum mati di kamp konsentrasu Flossenburg, hanya sebelas hari sebelum tentara se…
Florence Nightingale telah menginsiprasi banyak orang yang rindu melakukan hal yang berbeda untuk mengubah dunia. Kebulatan tekadnya sebagai seorang perempuan yang mengikuti panggilannya sunggug menggagumkan. Ia tak pernah mundur meski harus mengahadapi banyak rintangan. Karakter Florence yang penuh belas kasih dan siap menolong telah terbentuk sejak masa kanak-kanak. Hal ini membawanya menjadi…
Will Shakespeare dreamed of becoming an actor and a playwright. At nineteen he left his home town and headed for London, following his dream. He became an actor, part owner of the Globe theatre - and the greatest playwright of his time. Four hundred years on, his plays are even more popular. They are performed in theatres all over the world.
Mohandas Gandhi grew up in India at a time when it was ruled by a foreign power - Britain. Gandhi fought against the injustice of British rule. He led peaceful marches and protests. Many times he was imprisoned for his beliefs. But through his leadership, Britain was finally forced to hand over power. Gandhi became the leader of India, and 'father of his people'.
Ford changed the face of the modern world. The incredible success of his 'motor car for the multitude' transformed industry and society, and made him the richest man on earth. His amazing story ranges from exhilarating success to personal tragedy and disappointment.