ÔùÅ Mengapa di negeri yang dingin setiap pagi orang cuci muka?rnÔùÅ Mengapa habis tidur kita ganti pakaian?rnÔùÅ Dari mana semua makanan kita?rnÔùÅ Mengapa ayah pergi bekerja?rnÔùÅ Pekerjaan apa yang dapat kita lakukan di rumah?rnÔùÅ Mengapa rumah harus kita bersihkan?rnÔùÅ Mengapa kita menyapa kenalan kita sewaktu berjumpa?rnÔùÅ Mengapa kita berjalan melawan arus lalu l…
ÔùÅ Binatang manakah yang paling cepat?rnÔùÅ Dapatkah semua binatang berenang?rnÔùÅ Bagaimana citah dapat berlari begitu cepat?rnÔùÅ Mengapa harimau berloreng-loreng?rnÔùÅ Tahukah kalian bahwa singa jantan tidak berburu?rnÔùÅ Mengapa gajah hidup dalam kawanan?rnÔùÅ Mengapa gorila tidak berburu binatang?rnÔùÅ Tahukah kalian bahwa sewaktu lahir panda sangat kecil?rnÔùÅ …
How deep is the ocean?rnWhich fish can blow itself up like a balloon?rnHow do dolphins use sound to hunt?rnThese and hundreds of other questions about life in the oceans are answered in this fascinating book. Simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations introduce the basic concepts of sea life to young readers.rnrnÔùÅ Seas and Oceans ÔùÅ Underwater Life ÔùÅ Who Eats Who…
Why do things float?rnWhat happens to the food you eat?rnWhy is it warm in summer?rnThese and hundreds of other questions about science are answered in this charming book. Simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations introduce the basic concepts of science to young readers.rnrnÔùÅ What is Science? ÔùÅ What Scientist Do ÔùÅ Our Universe ÔùÅ What is the Earth Made Of? …
Why is night dark?rnWhat is snow?rnHow do earthquakes happen?rnWhat is under the sea?rnThese and hundreds of other questions about the world around us are answered in this charming book. Simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations introduce the basic concepts of geography to young readers.rnrnÔùÅ Our Planet ÔùÅ What's Out in Space? ÔùÅ On the Moon ÔùÅ Looking at the…
What was the biggest dinosaur?rnWhat was the ice age?rnWhy did the dinosaurs die out?rnThese and hundreds of other questions about dinosaurs area answered in this fascinating book. Simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations introduce the basic concepts of dinosaurs and prehistoric life to young readers.rnrnÔùÅ The Prehistoric World ÔùÅ How the Earth Began ÔùÅ Under th…
How does a whale breathe?rnHow does a snake see in the dark?rnWhy do zebras have strips?rnThese and hundreds of other questions about animals are answered in this charming book. Simple, easy-to-read text and extraordinary wildlife photography and illustrations bring the reader face-to-face with the marvels of the animal world.rnrnAnimal WorldrnÔùÖ Mammals (ÔùÅ Mammals ÔùÅ What's for Di…
Indeks :rn1. AK = Abad Komputer; 2. AN = Angkutan dan Navigasi; 3. BA = Binatang Air; 4. BP = Bumi dan Permukaannya; 5. CI = Cuaca dan Iklim; 6. DS = Dunia Serangga; 7. DT = Dunia Tumbuhan; 8. EL = Ekologi dan Lingkungan; 9. EF = Energi dan Fisika; 10. EM = Evolusi Makhluk Hidup; 11. GP = Geologi dan Perubahan; 12. MK = Materi dan Kimia; 13. MR = Mesin dan Reka Cipta; 14. PB = Perilaku Binatang…
ÔùÖ BAGIAN 1 RAHASIA KEHIDUPAN MANUSIA ÔùÅ Terbuat dari apa tubuh manusia itu? ÔùÅ Bagaimana terbentuknya sel baru? ÔùÅ Apa DNA itu dan apa fungsinya? ÔùÅ Bagaimana mulainya kehidupan manusia? ÔùÅ Bagaimana terjadinya sel telur dan sperma? ÔùÅ Apa pembuahan itu? ÔùÅ Bagaimana bayi tumbuh dalam rahim? ÔùÅ Bagaimana janin memperoleh makanan? ÔùÅ Mengapa ada kelahiran…
ÔùÖ BAGIAN 1 PENEMUAN YANG MENGUBAH SEJARAH ÔùÅ Bagaimana kerja mesin cetak pertama? ÔùÅ Siapa yang mengembangkan telegrap? ÔùÅ Bagaimana cara kerja telepon Bell? ÔùÅ Bagaimana jam mekanis menunjukkan waktu? ÔùÅ Apa mesin pemanen kombinasi itu? ÔùÅ Bagaimana cara kerja kamera pertama? ÔùÅ Siapakah penemu kamera kotak? ÔùÅ Apa kinetoskop itu? ÔùÅ Seperti apakah tele…