S. Sudjojono dilahirkan di Kisaran, Tebing Tinggi, Sumatera Utara. Hal itu tidak diragukan. Tetapi kapan? Tentang hal ini tidak ada kepastian. Jangankan tanggal dan bulannya, tahunnya juga tidak. Tetapi mestinya sekitar tahun 1913. Meskipun begitu, generasi muda kita patut tahu siapa S. Sudjojono itu. Dia adalah salah seorang pelukis ternama Indonesia. Perannya di bidang seni lukis pantas kita …
Hari itu, Selasa, 18 Desember 1945, tampak kesibukan di Markas Besar Tentara di Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta. Presiden Soekarno, Wakil Presiden M. Hatta, dan Perdana Menteri Sutan Sjahrir akan melantik Panglima Besar TKR. Pada hadirin yang ada di aula Markas Besar Tentara itu berdiri saat Presiden, Wakil Presiden, dan Perdana Menteri memasuki ruangan. Hadirin bersama-sama menyanyikan lagu kebangsaa…
1. Phidias (490 SM?-430 SM); 2. Praxiteles (390 SM?-330 SM); 3. Cimabue (1240?-1302); 4. Donatello (1386?-1466); 5. Jan van Eyck (1390?-1441); 6. Giovanni Bellini (1430?-1516); 7. Hugo van der Goes (1440?-1482); 8. Botticelli (1445-1510); 9. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519); 10. Albrecht Durer (1471-1528); 11. Michelangelo (1475-1564); 12. Matthias Grunewald (1475?-1528); 13. Raphael (1483-1520); …
Nine hundred years ago, the armies of Western Europe united in a Holy War. Their aim was to recapture the city of Jerusalem from enemies of their religion. Few of them would come back alive...
In 44BC, Julius Caesar was fatally stabbed in the Roman Senate. His brutal murder led to the downfall of the 450-year-old Roman Republic, and the start of the Roman Empire. But who was he and where did he come from? You can follow Caesar's spectacular rise, from successful lawyer and outstanding military commander, to become the most powerful man in Rome.
William dreams of acting and writing plays. This ambition takes him from the quiet country town of Stratford, where he grows up, to the great playhouses of London. His talent takes the city by storm. But how will he cope with jealous rivals strict censorship, plague and plotting earls?
Samurai were warriors who lived in old Japan. Armed with bows and shining swords, they were respected and feared wherever they went. Find out how these mighty warriors trained, how they fought... and how they died.