Brief and simple descriptions of the various kinds of dinosaurs that roamed the earth millions of years ago.
Chicken Little is the laughingstock of the town of Oakey Oaks, but when there is an alien invasion, he saves the world and becomes a hero.
As the minutes pass and the school bus gets closer to their house, Brother and Sister are in increasing danger of missing it.
Attempting to hurry through his work so that he can give some school children a ride, Thomas the Tank Engine must overcome a series of obstacles.
Alliterative rhyming tale of a girl who can be very silly but with her best friend, Sam, discovers she can be something more.
Setelah berkuasa di Padang pada tahun 1819, Belanda ingin berkuasa juga di pedalaman Minangkabau. Dengan dikuasainya daerah itu posisi Inggris dari segi ekonomi akan melemahkan, begitu pula pengaruh Padri ke daerah pesisir. Kaum Padri, di bawah pimpinan Tuanku Imam Bonjol, juga melakukan persiapan untuk menghadapi Belanda. Setiap luhak (daerah) dipimpin oleh perwira Padri. Tiap nagari dikepalai…
Perjuangan Kartini dalam dunia pendidikan sangat berhubungan dengan perjuangannya dalam emansipasi kaum wanita. Kartini mengetahui dan melihat bahwa keadaan pendidikan rakyat Indonesia pada waktu itu sangat kurang dan menyedihkan. Anak-anak Indonesia banyak yang buta huruf. Yang bisa bersekolah hanya anak-anak yang berasal dari golongan tertentu, sedangkan anak-anak dari kalangan rakyat biasa d…
Sesame Street Muppet characters play a game in which they obey commands from Big Bird.
Does Buster, Arthur's best friend, have rocks in his head? Not exactly, but when he visits the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, he is surrounded by giant boulders. Buster takes a rock climbing class and learns to scale new heights.
When Arthur's best friend, Buster, arrives in San Francisco, he is starving! He has to meet some very noisy dragons (and some really nice kids) before he can change his luck and celebrate the Chinese New Year with a huge and delicious feast.