Noah's Ark has long been a favourite of young children. In addition to learning about Noah's faith and God's faithfulness your child will have fun learning animal sounds and rainbow colours. After each question on pages 10-19, stop and allow your child to tell you what each animal says. Page 29 can be used two ways to teach colours. You may point and ask your child to say the colour, or you may…
The Wall That Did Not Fall tells the exciting story of the battle of Jericho from an insider's viewpoint. Your little one will see how God helps us to believe in Him and protects those who trust Him. Encourage your child to participate in the story by making sounds - knocking, shouting and counting numbers. Also, after the story has been read several times, wait for your child to answer the que…
Preschool children sometimes feel very small. Older brothers and sisters and other children are able to do so many things. Through the story of David, your little one will learn that doing little jobs well will lead to bigger things. Involve your child in the story each time by allowing them to count the sheep on pages 10 and 11.
God's Happy Helpers tells the story of God's work in the lives of Tabitha and her friend. Your child will see that each believer, big or small, has an important place in the church. And your little one will have fun thinking about ways he or she can serve God.rnPause and allow your child to point to the appropriate picture in answer to each question on pages 7-13. Assure them, God has a special…
Mulailah mendorong anak Anda membaca Alkitab untuk seumur hidup... sejak sekarang!rnCerita Alkitab Bergambar:rnÔùÅ Membina sikap yang benar tentang Tuhan dan Sabda-Nya.rnÔùÅ Menawarkan 101 kisah Alkitab yang ditulis khusus untuk anak-anak.rnÔùÅ Membantu anak-anak mempelajari Alkitab sementara belajar bicara dan berjalan.rnÔùÅ Membangkitkan rasa sukacita anak-anak berumur 3 tahun den…
Buku-buku yang disatukan dalam jilid ini adalah:rn1. Rasul Petrus 1rn2. Rasul Petrus 2rn3. Rasul Paulus 1rn4. Rasul Paulus 2rn5. Rasul Paulus 3rn6. Rasul Paulus 4
Buku-buku yang disatukan dalam jilid ini adalah:rn1. Nabi Elisarn2. Elisa dan Yoasrn3. Yunus dan Yesayarn4. Nabi Yeremia 1rn5. Nabi Yeremia 2rn6. Danielrn7. Esterrn8. Ayubrn9. Menantikan Raja