Pa menemukan rusa!rnKetika pulang dari perjalanannya melewati Rimba Besar, Pa membawa kisah istimewa untuk diceritakan kepada Laura dan Mary.rnrnPa finds a deer!rnWhen comes home from his journey through the Big Woods, he brings back a very special story to share with Laura and Mary.
Rumah kecil baru untuk Laura!rnPa memilih tempat istimewa di padang rumput dan membangun rumah dari kayu gelondong yang nyaman untuk keluarganya.rnrnA new little house for Laura!rnPa picks a special spot on the prairie and builds his family a snug log cabin home.
Waktunya berpesta!rnLaura akan mengenakan gaun terbaiknya, Pa akan memainkan biolanya, dan semua orang akan pergi ke rumah Kakek untuk pesta paling meriah!rnrnIt's time for a party!rnLaura will wear her best dress, Pa will play his fiddle, and everyone will go to Grandpa's house - for the best party ever!
A long time ago a wise man named Shaddai built a wonderful village for children to live in. He talked to them and sang for them and told them stories.rnHe gave them everything they needed. And with his own hands Shaddai built a protective wall around their village, rock by rock.rnHe did all of this for just one reason - because he loved them.rnOne day Paladin, the village's most curious child, …
A Green Nose.rnHow silly, thought Punchinello. It wouldn't make him faster, stronger, or even smarter. It would only make him greener - and make him look just like all the other Wemmicks! Why would he want that when he knows Eli made each of them different for a reason?rnBut when Punchinello stops visiting Eli regularly, a painted nose somehow doesn't seem as foolish anymore. Now more than ever…
Boxes and balls.rnThey were the latest thing!rnFancy balls. Colorful boxes. All the Wemmicks had them.rnAll, that is, except Punchinello.rnNot wanting to be left out, he resolved to fit in.rnHe would do whatever it took to have what others had.rnHe never imagined it would cost him so much.rnEli, his maker, used the moment to remind Punchinello of this truth:rnYou are special, not because of wha…
Nenek senag memanggang kue. Nenek juga senang memeluk Megan. Suatu hari, Megan dan Nenek pergi ke makam Kakek. Ke mana Kakek pergi?" tanya Megan.rnBuku dengan ilustrasi cantik ini memberikan pemahaman kepada anak- anak tentang kehidupan dan kematian serta tempat spesial yang Tuhan sudah siapkan untuk semua orang yang percaya kepada- Nya."
Ketika sedang menunggu ayah mereka, tiba-tiba mobil yang dinaiki Peter dan Janet dicuri orang! Mereka mendengar beberapa kata petunjuk seperti Restoran Sid dan Q8061. Mereka juga sempat melihat ciri-ciri kedua pencuri, yaitu yang seorang ujung jari tengahnya putus dan seorang lagi berambut cepak, seperti narapidana yang melarikan diri. Sapta Siaga berhadapan dengan komplotan yang berbahaya!
Deep in the woods of Sherwood Forest lives a fiercely loyal group of men. They are led by Robin Hood - the most famous outlaw of all time. Together they help the people of Nottingham hold out against the greedy sheriff by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor! Battles of strength, thrilling archery contests, and daring rescues are all in a day's work for Robin and his merry men. But wil…