ÔùÅ Dunia Binatang ÔùÅ Ini Mamalia ÔùÅ Ini Burung ÔùÅ Ini Ikan ÔùÅ Ini Reptilia ÔùÅ Ini Amfibi ÔùÅ Makhluk Bertungkai Banyak ÔùÅ Alam Laut ÔùÅ Alam Tersembunyi ÔùÅ Agar Tetap Hidup ÔùÅ Cara Hidup Binatang ÔùÅ Alam Kehidupan Binatang ÔùÅ Hidup Bersama ÔùÅ Binatang Masa Lalu ÔùÅ Manusia dan Binatang ÔùÅ Binatang Piaraan ÔùÅ Binatang yang Punah Ô…
ÔùÅ Mengapa anjing mengendus di mana-mana?rnÔùÅ Mengapa anjing mengibaskan ekor?rnÔùÅ Mengapa ada orang disalaki anjing?rnÔùÅ Bermimpikah anjing dan kucing itu?rnÔùÅ Mengapa cakar kucing tajam-tajam?rnÔùÅ Mengapa kucing menimbuni kotorannya dengan tanah?rnÔùÅ Mengapa mata kucing bersinar?rnÔùÅ Mengapa kucing mendengkur?rnÔùÅ Mengapa telinganya panjang?rnÔùÅ Mengapa…
ÔùÅ Binatang manakah yang paling cepat?rnÔùÅ Dapatkah semua binatang berenang?rnÔùÅ Bagaimana citah dapat berlari begitu cepat?rnÔùÅ Mengapa harimau berloreng-loreng?rnÔùÅ Tahukah kalian bahwa singa jantan tidak berburu?rnÔùÅ Mengapa gajah hidup dalam kawanan?rnÔùÅ Mengapa gorila tidak berburu binatang?rnÔùÅ Tahukah kalian bahwa sewaktu lahir panda sangat kecil?rnÔùÅ …
How does a whale breathe?rnHow does a snake see in the dark?rnWhy do zebras have strips?rnThese and hundreds of other questions about animals are answered in this charming book. Simple, easy-to-read text and extraordinary wildlife photography and illustrations bring the reader face-to-face with the marvels of the animal world.rnrnAnimal WorldrnÔùÖ Mammals (ÔùÅ Mammals ÔùÅ What's for Di…
ÔùÖ Defence Mechanisms ÔùÅ Why do some animals imitate their surroundings? ÔùÅ When is a bee not a bee? ÔùÅ Why do tree frogs change colour? ÔùÅ Why do some animals change colour with the seasons? ÔùÅ Why do springboks jump? ÔùÅ Why does a rattlesnake make noise? ÔùÅ What is the purpose of eyespots? ÔùÅ Why are poisonous frogs so bright? ÔùÅ Why do some harmless bu…
ÔùÖ Feeding Patterns ÔùÅ How does a paramecium feed itself? ÔùÅ How do flies locate food? ÔùÅ How do mosquitoes locate blood? ÔùÅ How do ants and aphids use each other? ÔùÅ Why do snakes flick out their tongues? ÔùÅ Why do woodpeckers peck at trees? ÔùÅ How does a platypus find food? ÔùÅ Why do some fish have whiskers? ÔùÅ How do these creatures help each other? Ô…
ÔùÖ Life Cycles ÔùÅ How do cabbage whites select mates? ÔùÅ Why do some beetles have horns? ÔùÅ How do dragonflies mate? ÔùÅ Do praying mantises eat their mates? ÔùÅ What is gift giving among insects? ÔùÅ Why do mosquitoes suck blood? ÔùÅ How do honeybees reproduce? ÔùÅ How are aphids born? ÔùÅ Do insects care for their young? ÔùÅ How do woodlice tend their youn…
ÔùÖ The Functional Body Form ÔùÅ What are insects? ÔùÅ Do insects have hearts and brains? ÔùÅ How do insects breathe? ÔùÅ How does a thousand-legger walk? ÔùÅ How do insects fly? ÔùÅ How can a flea jump so high? ÔùÅ How can insects walk on water? ÔùÅ How do flies walk on the ceiling? ÔùÅ How do insects see? ÔùÅ What can insects hear? ÔùÅ What are antennae use…
ÔùÖ The Search for Food ÔùÅ Do fish have favourite foods? ÔùÅ How do fish capture plankton? ÔùÅ What is an archerfish? ÔùÅ Do fish go fishing? ÔùÅ How do deep-sea fish catch prey? ÔùÅ How do dolphins and whales hunt? ÔùÅ What do blue whales eat? ÔùÅ Can shellfish attack fish?rnrnÔùÖ Underwater Senses ÔùÅ How does the sense of smell work? ÔùÅ How do fish see? …
ÔùÖ The Diversity of Aquatic Animals ÔùÅ What is a fish? ÔùÅ How do fish breathe underwater? ÔùÅ Do fish drink water? ÔùÅ What is a swim bladder? ÔùÅ Are all fish cold-blooded? ÔùÅ Can fish freeze to death? ÔùÅ How do different animals swim? ÔùÅ Why can swordfish swim so fast? ÔùÅ How do fish survive ocean pressures? ÔùÅ Why do some fish glow? ÔùÅ Why do lumi…