Meskipun sebagai salah satu utusan surgawi-Nya aku bisa menikmati fasilitas melihat hal-hal yang bersifat surgawi dan abadi, toh ada satu misteri yang tidak mampu kupahami yaitu: cinta kasih Tuhan yang begiu besar dan tiada henti kepada manusia." - Gabrielrnrn"Aku sadar sepenuhnya bahwa apa yang diminta Tuhan dariku adalah sesuatu yang akan menimbulkan kerumitan dalam hidupku. Tetapi aku harus …
Get ready for an epic adventure!rnThis journey through the Bible begins at the very beginning of time itself, with the creation of the world. Next, you Near East - Canaan, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia. Sometimes you will be in open country - wilderness or farmland. At other times you will find yourself in magnificent cities with glittering buildings. You will meet people at work, at war,…
Here is a collection of classic episodes from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, each retold with insight and sincerity. It is an enduring portrait of the life and teaching of Jesus, which are at he very heart of the Christian faith.