What was Jesus like as a young boy?rnWe know a lot about the baby Jesus and his ministry as a man. But what about Jesus as a boy? Perhaps he had a pet lamb, liked to build with blocks, or even went fishing with his grandpa. Explore the possibilities as captivating scenes of wonder draw little hearts and minds into the fun of imagining childlike pursuits of the Son of God
Kisah-kisah Kebijaksanaan bagi Anak-anak: Kisah tentang Hikmat (Amsal 3:13 Berbahagialah orang yang mendapatkan hikmat.")"
Kisah-kisah Kebijaksanaan bagi Anak-anak: Kisah tentang Kerja Keras (Amsal 6:9 dan 10:4 Hai pemalas, berapa lama lagi engkau berbaring? ... Tangan yang lamban membuat miskin.")"
Kisah-kisah Kebijaksanaan bagi Anak-anak: Kisah tentang Kerendahan Hati (Amsal 18:12 Tinggi hati mendahului kehancuran, tetapi kerendahan hati mendahului kehormatan.") dan Kisah tentang Hikmat (Amsal 9:9 "Berilah orang bijak nasihat, maka ia akan menjadi lebih bijak.")"
Kisah-kisah Kebijaksanaan bagi Anak-anak: Kisah tentang Memilih Teman-teman yang Baik (Amsal 13:20 Siapa berteman dengan orang bebal menjadi malang") dan Kisah tentang Kejujuran (Amsal 12:22 "Orang yang dusta bibirnya adalah kekejian bagi Tuhan, tetapi orang yang berlaku setia dikenan-Nya.")"
A long time ago a wise man named Shaddai built a wonderful village for children to live in. He talked to them and sang for them and told them stories.rnHe gave them everything they needed. And with his own hands Shaddai built a protective wall around their village, rock by rock.rnHe did all of this for just one reason - because he loved them.rnOne day Paladin, the village's most curious child, …
A Green Nose.rnHow silly, thought Punchinello. It wouldn't make him faster, stronger, or even smarter. It would only make him greener - and make him look just like all the other Wemmicks! Why would he want that when he knows Eli made each of them different for a reason?rnBut when Punchinello stops visiting Eli regularly, a painted nose somehow doesn't seem as foolish anymore. Now more than ever…
Boxes and balls.rnThey were the latest thing!rnFancy balls. Colorful boxes. All the Wemmicks had them.rnAll, that is, except Punchinello.rnNot wanting to be left out, he resolved to fit in.rnHe would do whatever it took to have what others had.rnHe never imagined it would cost him so much.rnEli, his maker, used the moment to remind Punchinello of this truth:rnYou are special, not because of wha…