Referensi penting untuk memandu menjelajahi dunia tumbuhan dan hewan.rnÔùÅ Ensiklopedi visual tentang dunia kehidupan, dengan info-info baru yang sangat menarik, dan dibuat atas kerja sama dengan The National History Museum, London.rnÔùÅ Lebih dari 2.000 foto, termasuk rangkaian gerakan yang mendetail, membuat ensiklopedi ini semakin hidup.rnÔùÅ Mencakup topik-topik penting, seperti ha…
ÔùÅ Apakah ngengat dan kupu mempunyai mata di sayapnya?rnÔùÅ Mengapa ulat ini menyembulkan tanduk?rnÔùÅ Mengapa sibar-sibar berputar-putar di satu wilayah?rnÔùÅ Mengapa ada kepik yang berbau busuk?rnÔùÅ Mengapa tonggeret menguir?rnÔùÅ Mengapa jangkrik mengerik?rnÔùÅ Tahukah kalian bahwa ada semut yang mencuri semut muda dari sarang lain?rnÔùÅ Apakah makanan kumbang tahi?…
Explore the creepy-crawly world of insects, spiders and bugs!rnDiscover everything you need to know about bugs with this brilliant book. One hundred facts, fantastic images and fun cartoons reveal all aspects of bug life, while quizzes test your knowledge. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!
Take a safari and learn about the extraordinary lives that elephants lead!rnDiscover everything you need to know about the biggest land-living creatures with this brilliant book. One hundred facts, fantastic illustrations and hilarious cartoons give you the inside story on elephant anatomy and habitats, while fun quizzes test your knowledge. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!
Step into the fascinating world of monkeys, apes and the other members of the primate family.rnThe lives of these amazing creatures are portrayed in detail through one hundred facts, fantastic images and fun cartoons. Find out how chimpanzees communicate, explore the varied habitats of macaques and discover how gibbons swing through trees.
Get ready for a walk through the canine world and find out why dogs are our best friends.rnDiscover everything you need to know about dogs and puppies with this brilliant book. One hundred facts, fantastic illustrations and hilarious cartoons explain all about our furry friends, while fun quizzes test your knowledge. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!
Get ready to fly through the amazing world of birds!rnDiscover everything you need to know about birds with this brilliant book. One hundred facts, fantastic illustrations and hilarious cartoons reveal all aspects of bird life, while fun quizzes test your knowledge. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!
Slither and hop your way through the world of frogs and snakes!rnDiscover everything you need to know about reptiles and amphibians with this brilliant book. One hundred facts, fantastic illustrations and hilarious cartoons reveal all about the lives of these amazing animals, while fun quizzes test your knowledge. So what are you waiting for? Get reading!
Step into the twilight and encounter a world of night-loving creatures.rnThe secretive lives of nocturnal animals are explored in detail through one hundred facts, fantastic images and fun cartoons. Read how they communicate and hunt, discover why they are active at night and learn about the super senses that help them to thrive in the dark.
Ada kucing yang bisa melompat setinggi langit-langit rumah?rnPada usia berapakah surai singa jantan tumbuh?rnApa fungsi dari ekor kucing?rnKucing apa yang bisa mengubah warna bulunya sesuai musim?rnrnBacalah fakta seru tentang kucing besar yang dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi menarik dalam buku ini.rnrnÔùÅ Macan Tutul Salju ÔùÅ Citah ÔùÅ Macan Tutul ÔùÅ Harimau Siberia ÔùÅ Singa Ôù…