Kekuatan ALamrnÔùÅ Beberapa foto dapat bercerita. Sejumlah bahasa tubuh berbicara lebih banyak dibandingkan kata-kata, seperti genggaman tangan ini, yang mencari kenyamanan di tengah ketakutan. Foto ini diambil pada tanggal 8 Oktober 2005, setelah gempa susulan masih terasa usai gempa bumi terkuat yang melanda wilayah Kashmir yang dikuasai Pakistan. Genggaman tangan ini tepat menjadi simbol …
Rahasia Alam SemestarnÔùÅ Manusia pernah meyakini bahwa bintang adalah api unggun yang dinyalakan oleh suku lain di langit dan bahwa alam semesta adalah lempeng datar yang berada di atas cangkang seekor penyu raksasa. Menurut astronom Yunani, Ptolomeus, bumi adalah pusat alam semesta. Ada rasa ingin tahu manusia tentang apa yang tersembunyi di balik lengkung langit sejak zaman dulu. Rasa ing…
ÔùÖ The Solar System ÔùÅ How did the Solar System begin? ÔùÅ Why is Mercury's surface cratered? ÔùÅ What kind of planet is Venus? ÔùÅ Does Mars show signs of life? ÔùÅ What is Jupiter's Great Red Spot? ÔùÅ Could Jupiter have become a star? ÔùÅ How did volcanoes form on lo? ÔùÅ How were the rings of Saturn formed? ÔùÅ Is there life on Saturn's moon Titan? ÔùÅ Why…
ÔùÖ Atmospheric Pressure ÔùÅ What is a high-pressure system? ÔùÅ What is a low-pressure system? ÔùÅ What causes heavy downpours? ÔùÅ Why do typhoons occur? ÔùÅ How do typhoons develop? ÔùÅ How are typhoons observed?rnrnÔùÖ Wonders in the Sky ÔùÅ What is a rainbow? ÔùÅ What are mirages? ÔùÅ How do solar and lunar halos form? ÔùÅ What causes mountain halos? ÔÃ…
ÔùÖ The Air Above ÔùÅ How did the atmosphere form? ÔùÅ How is the atmosphere divided? ÔùÅ Where does the atmosphere end? ÔùÅ What is the ozone layer? ÔùÅ What is the ionosphere? ÔùÅ What causes the aurora? ÔùÅ What are the Van Allen belts? ÔùÅ Why doesn't the sun burn Earth? ÔùÅ Why is the sky blue during the day but red at sunset? ÔùÅ Why is it colder on mounta…
ÔùÖ Rocks: A Historical Record ÔùÅ How are rocks formed? ÔùÅ How is igneous rock classified? ÔùÅ How are diamonds formed? ÔùÅ What happens to rock over time? ÔùÅ How do rocks show Earth's history?rnrnÔùÖ Harvesting Earth's Mineral Bounty ÔùÅ How are buried resources found? ÔùÅ Where do mineral deposits occur? ÔùÅ How do oil and natural gas form? ÔùÅ How is coal …
ÔùÖ This Majestic Planet ÔùÅ How did Earth form? ÔùÅ What is inside Earth? ÔùÅ What is the crust made of? ÔùÅ Is Earth heated from within? ÔùÅ How is Earth's interior studied? ÔùÅ How big is Earth? ÔùÅ Does Earth's gravity vary? ÔùÅ Why does a compass point north?rnrnÔùÖ Tectonic Movements ÔùÅ Are the continents moving? ÔùÅ Is there proof of continental drift…
ÔùÖ Moulding the Face of a Planet ÔùÅ How are mountains formed? ÔùÅ How are terraces created? ÔùÅ Can the sea invade the land? ÔùÅ What is a cuesta? ÔùÅ What made the Grand Canyon? ÔùÅ How were the Appalachians formed? ÔùÅ Why do rivers cross the Himalayas?rnrnÔùÖ Climate as a Force of Change ÔùÅ What causes landslides? ÔùÅ Can the wind create a desert? ÔùÅ W…
ÔùÖ Mapping Earth's Surface ÔùÅ How are maps made? ÔùÅ What do surveyors do? ÔùÅ How is position marked on maps? ÔùÅ What are the basic types of maps? ÔùÅ Who made the first maps? ÔùÅ What is a Mercator projection? ÔùÅ How are nautical charts made? ÔùÅ Why were time zones created? ÔùÅ How are computer maps made?rnrnÔùÖ Earth's Colossal Stonecutters ÔùÅ What l…
Topik bahasan pada jilid 3 Gaya dan Gerak" adalah:rnÔùÅ Gaya pada Benda: Bagaimana pengaruh gaya pada benda?rnÔùÅ Sains Ruang Angkasa: Apa yang akan kita pelajari berkaitan dengan sains ruang angkasa?rnÔùÅ Ilmu Bumi: Kejadian-kejadian apa yang berhubungan dengan bumi dan bulan?rnÔùÅ Tumbuhan: Variabel-variabel apakah yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tumbuhan?rnÔùÅ Biologi Manusia: A…