Every child thinks about running away from home at some point. The story of the Prodigal Son will help children understand that running away only creates more problems. After reading this book with your children or students, you will have the perfect opportunity to assure them of their importance, of your love for them, and especially of God's love for them. Take time to discuss ways a child ca…
Children can relate to the story Too Bad, Ahab". It will help them understand why disobedience brings punishment and opens up a wide range of topics for discussion: pouting and selfishness, God's mercy and fairness, obedience and the value of contentment."
Why do bad things sometimes happen to people who obey God? The Great Shake-Up" will help children understand God's purpose in allowing problems. At the same time, they will hear the Gospel message and see how one family responded joyfully. This story will present you with an opportunity to discuss with children the importance of accepting Jesus as Savior, the power a believer has to live a new …
The Bible tells us how God sent his Son Jesus to show us what God is like and how we can belong to God's kingdom.rnThis is the story of what happened after the baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem.rnYou can find this story in your own Bible, in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 2, and Luke's Gospel, chapter 2.
Timeless stories from the Christian faith and part of the world's heritage of wisdom.
The story of Jesus' birth is told many times at Christmas. At Easter time, people hear how the grown-up Jesus died and then rose again. What happened in between? How does everything fit together? This book retells the Bible story so you will know.
Gambar Sempurna!rnAnak-anak secara alami tertarik pada buku gambar. Itulah mengapa Alkitab Komik merupakan buku kisah Alkitab yang sempurna untuk anak-anak berusia delapan sampai dua belas tahuan.rnIlustrasi dengan gaya komik dan menarik akan menghidupkan kisah-kisah Alkitab dengan dialog yang penuh humor dan menggigi, serta kebenaran spiritual. Anak-anak tidak akan berhenti membaca!rnYang pali…
God's Happy Helpers tells the story of God's work in the lives of Tabitha and her friend. Your child will see that each believer, big or small, has an important place in the church. And your little one will have fun thinking about ways he or she can serve God.rnPause and allow your child to point to the appropriate picture in answer to each question on pages 7-13. Assure them, God has a special…