Luke 1:5-80 and Mark 1:1-8 for children
The story of the feeding of the 5,000 Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; and John 6:1-13 for children
Matthew 8:5-13 for children
Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; and Luke 18:35-43 for children
Daniel likes to help the king and pray to God every day. The king's other helpers are jealous of Daniel and decide to feed him to the lions! Who will save him?
Jonah loves God and wants to do his work. But what happens when Jonah wants to ignore God's request to travel to Nineveh to teach the people there?
Jesus came to save God's people and help them get closer to God. Many people were happy to follow Jesus. But others told lies about him. Learn what happens to Jesus and how much he loves us.
A Lesson about the One True God.rnElijah knows that God is the One Almighty God. King Ahab thinks Baal is better. What happens when Elijah challenges Ahab to a contest to prove who is right?
A Lesson in Acceptance.rnNot many people like Zacchaeus the tax collector. But when Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus, Jesus calls him down to talk. How will the people react to Jesus meeting Zacchaeus?
People love to follow Jesus, listening to everything he says. But one day it gets late and the crowd is hungry. How can five little loaves of bread and two tiny fish feed so many people?