Did you know that at the age of seven Franz Schubert already knew as much about music as his teacher? Did you know that he was part of a string quartet with his father and two brothers? What about you? Have you ever sung or played music with other people? Can you write down or draw the sounds you hear in your head? Read about Schubert and listen to his music - you too could become a great music…
Did you know that Bach was born into a family of many musicians - composers, singers and instrumentalists? Did you know that at the age of twelve, Johann Sebastian could play the harpsichord, the organ, the violin and the viola? Have you ever imagined how many pieces of wood you need to make a violin? Read about Bach and listen to his music - you too could become a great musician!
Did you know that Henry Purcell was a court musician like his father and uncle before him? Did you know that he also wrote music for the theatre - a mixture of instrumental pieces, songs and dances? Have you ever tried making up dance steps? Can you tell the difference between the sound of the violin and the viola? Read about Purcell and listen to his music - you too could become a great musician!
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec adalah seorang anak kecil berbakat di bidang melukis. Walaupun dia cacat di kakinya, dia tidak gentar untuk melanjutkan melukisnya sehingga ia sekarang menjadi seorang pelukis terkenal di dunia dengan karya-karyanya.
Robert Schuman adalah seorang anak kecil yang berbakat dan genius dalam bidang alat musik piano, tapi sayang sekali salah satu jarinya hilang sehingga dia tidak dapat bermain alat musik piano. Ia telah menjadi seorang komposer hebat di dunia
Franz Schubert adalah seorang anak kecil yang berbakat di bidang musik piano, sehingga ia menjadi seorang komposer terkenal di dunia. Berikut adalah karya-karyanya, Simfoni No. 8 dalam nada B minor dan 600 lagu indah karyanya.