The Sea Rat is under attack! The pirate kids are ready to join the action - until Rotten Tooth sends them belowdecks and away from the fight. It's just not fair! They want to help save their ship! How can they prove that they are worthy of fighting the enemies, too?
Avast! The pirate kids have found buried treasure. But when they head back to the Sea Rat, instead of celebrating, the crew gets sick. Luckily, Pete and his friends feel fine. Unluckily, they have to man the ship, and they steer the Sea Rat right into dangerous waters! Can the pirate kids figure out a way to turn things around before it's too late?
Ahoy! The Sea Rat is on course for Camp Buccaneer, where pirate kids from all over the seas compete to see who is the most piratey. Pete and his friends will swashbuckle, climb ropes, and hunt for treasure. Hopefully, they will win the big prize. But first they have to watch out for the White Skeleton Monkey who they heard haunts the island. And then there are the cheaters to look out for. Will…
The Sea Rat is pulling into port, and Pete and his friends think they will get some time to explore - until Rotten Tooth gives them a long list of supplies to buy. But they soon find out that the town is full of spies, and when the pirate kids return to the ship, strange things begin to happen... Could one of the spies from town have followed them onboard?
Ini bukan kisah sejati, ini bukan kisah seseorang yang hebat, ini bukan kisah seorang pahlawan. Ini hanya sepenggal kisah anak dusun terpencil, bahkan terbelakang yang hidup di era tujuh puluhan. Kisah anak-anak dusun yang dengan kehidupan sederhananya bahkan tidak menyadari telah menjadi pahlawan-pahlawan kecil bagi kehidupan bertanah air. Membangun dusun ini tanpa mereka sadar. Kisah anak dus…
Pilih jadi penulis atau komposer, ya? Hm... Seruni, sih, pengin dua-duanya. Namun, ibunya menentang habis-habisan hobi Seruni dalam bermusik. Ya sudah, Seruni melakukannya diam-diam. Malah ikut lomba cipta lagu saat sedang ujian di sekolah. Terang saja nilai-nilai Seruni jeblok semua. Aduh, gawat!rnDan Seruni pun harus menerima hukumannya, ia dilarang main musik, dan alat-alat musiknya dikunci …
Nate the Great hates mushy stuff. But when he spies a big red paper heart taped to Sludge's doghouse, Nate knows he must help his favorite pooch. Who could possibly have left Sludge a secret valentine?rnIt's a mystery until Nate finds out that his friend Annie is missing a valentine. The case seems simple. Nate is relieved. No more mushy stuff. That's what he thinks...
All aboard the Owl Express! Nate, the great detective, and his dog, Sludge, hit the rails on their latest case. Their mission: to guard an owl named Hoot. Hoot belongs to Nate's cousin Olivia Sharp, and she thinks someone on the train might be out to get her feathered pet. But whooo? Sludge keeps an eye on the owl's cage while Nate snoops for clues. Then Hoot disappears! With many suspects to q…
Will Cam help the Secret Service?rnIt is a big day at Cam's school. The governor, who is running for president, is visiting for the dedication of a new library. There are police officers, Secret Service agents, photographers, and news reporters there to hear the governor speak when... Bang! A loud sound like a gunshot startles everyone. Was it really a gun, or a noisy cover for a crime? Cam is …
Yuri Tchayniyev (Tchayniyev/Ðçð░ÐÅð¢ð©ðÁ: pengharapan) dan Nikolay Gordatch (Gordatch/ð│ð¥ÐÇð┤ð¥ÐüÐéÐî: kebanggaan), dua sahabat kecil yang hidup di Desa Barvikha Uni Soviet. Mereka sering bertemu di sebuah tempat les biola. Nikolay sebenarnya tidak suka bermain biola, namun Yuri terus menyemangatinya. Hingga suatu saat mereka harus berpisah. Akankah mereka bisa b…