Inilah beberapa cerita menarik tentang nabi Elia. Cerita-cerita ini ada dalam Alkitab buku Pertama Raja-raja bab 17-22, dan buku Kedua Raja-raja bab 1-2.rnElia adalah salah seorang nabi yang pertama di antara nabi-nabi besar Israel. Ia hidup di zaman Raja Ahab memerintah Israel purba. Elia menentang perbuatan-perbuatan jahat yang dilakukan Ahab dan berani menyalahkan dia dengan terus terang. Ia…
Musa, Pemimpin Bangsa IsraelrnrnSetelah bangsa Israel menetap di Mesir - waktu lama berlalu - dan Raja Mesir yang tidak tahu tentang Yusuf, mulai takut dengan bangsa Israel yang bertambah banyak. Dia mulai menindas bangsa itu.rnMusa yang dibesarkan oleh putri raja Mesir terhindar dari penindasan di Mesir, menerima panggilan Tuhan untuk membebaskan bangsa Israel, membimbing mereka menuju Tanah T…
Think about your favorite fairy tales...rnrnThey can be fun to hear, but of course we know they aren't true. They're just stories and they're just for fun. This book tells the greatest story ever told - the story of Jesus, God's Son. And it's a true story. Jesus really came to live with us, to die for us, and to come back to life, showing us how much God loves his children. And the best part of…
Before the dawn of time God made a plan... a plan to love and a plan to save and a plan that would get the world ready for the greatest rescue ever made.rnWise men rode camels through the desert as they followed a shining star.rnShepherds guarded their flock as a young couple struggled the last few miles to the little village of Bethlehem.rnThe plan is set for the one and only saviour of the wo…