APA Style
T, R, T, U, S, A, S, Ã, A, N, U, F, Ã, T, U, B, I, W, Ã. (1980).
World War II #5: The Battle of the Atlantic (Cetakan ke-3 (Cetakan ke-1: 1977)).
Alexandria, Virginia, USA:
Time-Life Books.
MLA Style
T, RnÔùÖ, The, United, States, At, Sea:, ÔùÅ, American, Neutrality, Under, Fire, ÔùÅ, The, U.S., Backs, Into, War, ÔùÅ.
"World War II #5: The Battle of the Atlantic".
Cetakan ke-3 (Cetakan ke-1: 1977)
Alexandria, Virginia, USA:
Time-Life Books,