Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science and Nature: Physical Sciences #1, Earth and Its Features I
ÔùÖ Mapping Earth's Surface ÔùÅ How are maps made? ÔùÅ What do surveyors do? ÔùÅ How is position marked on maps? ÔùÅ What are the basic types of maps? ÔùÅ Who made the first maps? ÔùÅ What is a Mercator projection? ÔùÅ How are nautical charts made? ÔùÅ Why were time zones created? ÔùÅ How are computer maps made?rnrnÔùÖ Earth's Colossal Stonecutters ÔùÅ What landforms do rivers create? ÔùÅ How do plains form? ÔùÅ What is an alluvial fan? ÔùÅ What forces shape a delta? ÔùÅ Why does the Yellow River shift course? ÔùÅ Can rivers flow backward? ÔùÅ What are estuaries? ÔùÅ Why is the Rhine River important? ÔùÅ How do glaciers form? ÔùÅ What landforms do glaciers create? ÔùÅ Are all moraines the same? ÔùÅ How were the Great Lakes made? ÔùÅ Did the ice ages change Earth? ÔùÅ What is beneath Antarctica?rnrnÔùÖ Ground Water and Lakes ÔùÅ What makes ground water flow? ÔùÅ How does ground water shape the land? ÔùÅ How do limestone caverns form? ÔùÅ Where does an oasis get its water? ÔùÅ What causes the ground to subside? ÔùÅ Why does Finland have so many lakes?rnrnÔùÖ Oceans in Action ÔùÅ Is the ocean in motion? ÔùÅ Could the icecaps melt? ÔùÅ How do sand bars form? ÔùÅ How does the sea shape the coast? ÔùÅ What is the ocean floor like? ÔùÅ How do coral reefs form? ÔùÅ Why don't the oceans overflow?
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