Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science and Nature: Physical Sciences #4, Geology and Change II
ÔùÖ Rocks: A Historical Record ÔùÅ How are rocks formed? ÔùÅ How is igneous rock classified? ÔùÅ How are diamonds formed? ÔùÅ What happens to rock over time? ÔùÅ How do rocks show Earth's history?rnrnÔùÖ Harvesting Earth's Mineral Bounty ÔùÅ How are buried resources found? ÔùÅ Where do mineral deposits occur? ÔùÅ How do oil and natural gas form? ÔùÅ How is coal created? ÔùÅ What are hydrothermal deposits?rnrnÔùÖ The Oceans: Sculptors of the Planet ÔùÅ How were the oceans formed? ÔùÅ What lies beneath the oceans formed? ÔùÅ What lies beneath the oceans? ÔùÅ Where do the continents end? ÔùÅ How are bottom currents formed? ÔùÅ Why do surface currents occur? ÔùÅ What causes warm and cool currents? ÔùÅ How do whirlpools form? ÔùÅ What causes El Ni├▒o? ÔùÅ How do waves travel? ÔùÅ What are ocean tides? ÔùÅ Why are storm waves so deadly? ÔùÅ What is odd about the Sargasso Sea? ÔùÅ Does the ocean vary with depth? ÔùÅ Why do satellites scan the oceans? ÔùÅ What resources do oceans contain? ÔùÅ What are manganese nodules? ÔùÅ Can the oceans be farmed? ÔùÅ How might oceans be used tomorrow?
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