When Phileas Fogg read in his newspaper that it was possible to travel around the world in only eight days, his friends laughed. It can't be done!" said one. So Phileas Fogg set out prove it could."
Petualangan menuju ujung akhir duniarnrnNarnia... di mana naga terbangun... di mana bintang menjejaki bumi... di mana apa pun bisa terjadi.rnrnSeorang raja dan beberapa teman seperjalanan yang tidak disangka-sangka memulai pelayaran yang akan membawa mereka ke negeri-negeri tidak terjamah. Ketika bergerak kian jauh dan terus menjauh dari perairan yang dikenal mereka mendapati petualangan ini te…
The true story of Hudson Taylor and a bowl of Soup.rnWhat would you do if someone forgot to give you any lunch and you weren't allowed to ask for it?rnYoung Hudson Taylor's story of a missing bowl of soup is an amusing tale from his childhood. In the end Hudson gets his soup - but that isn't all. Hudson Taylor learned about the country of China. He went there by himself to tell people of China …
The true story of Corrie ten Boom and the little Dutch watch shop.rnThe watches are ticking in the window, the clock chimes on the shelf, the little watch shop is busy as customers come and go.rnCorrue mends the watches and looks out for danger. Her friends are hiding in the secret room and she needs to make sure that they are safe.rnBut as the aeroplanes fly overhead and War spreads across the…
The true story of George M├╝ller and the hidden coins.rnWhat would you do if you needed some money? Would you pick some off a tree in the garden? Of course you wouldn't - because money doesn't grow on trees. You have to work for it. Sometimes you have to work hard.rnGeorge M├╝ller didn't like to work and tried to get his money in other ways. He would cheat and steal and was eventually t…
The true story of David Livingstone and his journeys.rnWhat would you do if a lion chased you? Would you fight it? That's what David Livingstone did. He did many brave things. He even travelled to Africa to tell the people there about Jesus. To do all this David had to be brave - but he was brave because he trusted in the bravest one of all - the Lord Jesus Christ.
* Pemuda penyelamat pantai yang pernah menyelamatkan lebih dari 50 nyawarn* Aktor yang pernah membintangi lima puluh film dan lebih dari enam puluh program di televisirn* Salah satu presiden paling disenangi dari abad kedua puluhrn* Semua hal di atas!rnKenali lebih dekat Ronald Reagan yang sesungguhnya melalui buku biografi bergambar yang menarik ini!
* Raja mudarn* Pemimpin Mesir yang meninggal sebelum usia dua puluh tahunrn* Mumi berusia tiga ribu tahunrn* Semua hal di atas!rnKenali lebih dekat tentang King Tut yang sesungguhnya melalui buku biografi bergambar yang menarik ini!