A Stinkbomb becomes a deadly weapon in Horrid Henry's long-running war with Moddy Margaret; he uses all his guile to win the school reading competition, only to find the longed-for prize is not what he expected; he goes for a sleepover and retreats in horror when he finds that other people's houses aren't always as nice as his own; and he has the joy of seeing Miss Battle-Axe ticked off by the …
Horrid Henry encounters the babysitter from hell, traumatizes his parents on a car journey, goes trick or treating at Hallowe'en, and invades Moody Margaret's Secret Club.
Horrid Henry tries to trick the Tooth Fairy into giving him more money, sends Moody Margaret packing, causes his teachers to run screaming from school, and single-handedly wrecks a weeding.
Horrid Henry tries to sell off Perfect Peter and get rich, makes sure he gets the presents he wants for Christmas, sabotages Sports Day at school and runs away from home.
Horrid Henry slugs it out with Perfect Peter over the remote control, stays in a hunted house and gets a nasty shock, discovers where X marks the spot in the hidden treasure competition and stars on TV.